Staff Picks
I Resolve…Not to Resolve. Instead, my 5 goals for 2015

My dirty secret. Of the fifty self-help books I checked out in 2014, I only actually read maybe two of them. I glance through them, skim a bit here and there and then move on. I talk about my 'skimming' process here.
I find satisfaction and dare I say 'hope' in this process, but it's not making much of an impact on my waistline, home improvement checklist or the financial "diet" I put together last year at this time. So this year I resolve...not to resolve. Instead, I've come up with some life goals to - as it says above - be led by my dreams, not pushed by my problems. Yay!
They say that the best blogs are personal, so I'm going there - yikes! Below are my real true goals for 2015 and beyond, and of course books from the library that are going to help me achieve them. I'll never give up hope on the power of a good book to solve all my problems.
You may recall that I'm a Pinterest addict. I've created Pinterest boards for each of my goals to keep me inspired, too. I WILL reach my goals this year, darn it!
So here they are. My personal goals for 2015, with picks from the library that are going to help me meet them. All on Amazon's Best-Sellers List, so they've got to be awesome (wink).
Do you have some goals you'd like to share? I'd love to hear them. Comment away, below.
2015 Goal #1 - Eat and Move to Feel Well
Run + Add yoga + Minimize Alcohol, Sugar and Refined Wheat Products + Stop Emotional eating + Eat Clean With Family + Sleep 7 Hours per night + Don’t weigh myself. PINTEREST
It cracks me up to read this. This has been my goal and resolution every year for the past 25. Will 2015 be my year? Perhaps this book will help:
The New Health Rules: Simple Changes to Achieve Whole-Body Wellness
Frank Lipman, M.D.
2015 Goal #2 - Spend Money Purposefully & Reduce Debt
Continue to Snowball Debt Payments + Stick to budget + Build and Maintain Emergency Fund + Start Travel Fund + Give Kids allowances and stick to them. PINTEREST
I'm kind of a binger in all areas of my life, including money. I confess: I. LOVE. TO. SHOP. Is there hope?
Money, Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom
By Tony Robbins
2015 Goal #3 - Simplicity & Gratitude
"If we don't feel grateful for what we already have, what makes you think we'd be happy with more? " PINTEREST
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: the Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
By Marie Kondo
2015 Goal #4 - Spirituality and Family
Explore spirituality + Embrace vulnerability + Connect with family + Connect with Friends PINTEREST
I have an absolutlely fantastic family. And I never want to take that for granted. I'm still a seeker on the spirituality front.
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead
By Brene Brown
2014 Goal #5 - Explore and Plan for My "Next Act"
Create a Life Goals List + Work Abroad Opportunities + Skills/Desires Assessment + Draft a business plan for a retail venture + Focus on positivity + Don' Fear Failure. PINTEREST
I adore working at the library, and I'm not going anywhere soon. But I'm 47. I've got at least another one or two chapters in the story of my life to go. I explore that here.
What You're Really Meant to Do: A Road Map for Reaching Your Unique Potential
By Robert Steven Kaplan