Staff Picks

Remember last January when I shared my (quite personal) 2015 goals?  Here’s how it went.

Last year about this time I went out on a limb and publicly shared my 2015 Goals, in hopes that doing so would make them stick. This time.

I resolved not to resolve.  Instead, I set goals, a long-term plan for an intentional way of living.

Nevermind that my goals have no numbers attached to them. I am told it's not a "goal" if it's not measurable. I'm choosing to ignore that. My goals, my rules, ha!

I shared books in the DPPL collection to help me on my journey, and created Pinterest Boards to inspire me on my journey.  

you are what you do
How did it all work out, you ask?

2015 Goal #1 - Eat and Move to Feel Well   

Run + Add yoga + Minimize Alcohol, Sugar and Refined Wheat Products + Stop Emotional eating + Eat Clean With Family + Sleep 7 Hours per night + Don’t weigh myself.  


Well, I did NOT run at all in 2015.  I DID join, quit and then rejoin a yoga studio and now am addicted to hot yoga. Yoga makes me "feel well", running does not, so I’m calling that a victory in that area. I’m doing OK minimizing the alcohol and refined wheat (if you don't count the period between October 31 - January 31). I have made NO progress on the sugar issue.  Sleeping 7 hours per night remains a challenge because, you know, I LOVE TO READ. And watch Netflix after my kids are in bed.  Clean eating with the kids is 50% healthy, 50% sugar so I’m halfway there, right?  And last but not least – I did NOT weigh myself in 2015 – VICTORY!  

2015 Goal #2  - Spend Money Purposefully & Reduce Debt

Continue to Snowball Debt Payments + Stick to budget + Build and Maintain Emergency Fund + Start Travel Fund + Give Kids allowances and stick to them.


It’s hard to be blithe about this one because I have failed miserably. It’s been two steps forward, three steps back all year. But it has just sunk in that my oldest kid is just six years away from college and ALSO my husband is six years away from (a theoretical) retirement.  Neither of these are abstract future goals. Time to stop planning and start doing.

2015 Goal #3 - Simplicity & Gratitude

If we don't feel grateful for what we already have, what makes you think we'd be happy with more?"


I AM grateful. If I never did or had anything else in this life, I have my family and that's everything. So there's that. I can’t claim to have found simplicity in 2015, but I have worked to sunset most of the “extracurriculars” in my life this year so that I can focus on my family and my health. I HAVE thrown away or given away a ton of “stuff”. Purged my closets. I have a vague intention to buy no new clothing in 2016 (haha). But I LOVE to shop and that's a bit of a barrier to simplicity. And Goal #2 reducing debt. And then there’s the Fashion Outlets of Chicago seven minutes from my home……

2015 Goal #4 - Spirituality and Family 

Explore spirituality + Embrace vulnerability + Connect with family + Connect with Friends  


Again, it’s a journey. NO active spirituality-seeking took place in 2015, unless you count following spiritually-oriented Facebook and Pinterest pages. I didn't even read the books I recommended in last year's post. (sad face) I have delved a bit into the Brene Brown vulnerability/daring greatly/rising strong phenomenon. She’s a superstar! I'm hoping the space in my life cleared with Goal #3 will give me the time and mental energy to tackle this in 2016.

Small Steps
2015 Goal #5 - Explore and Plan for My "Next Act"

Create a Life Goals List + Work Abroad Opportunities + Skills/Desires Assessment + Draft a business plan for a retail venture + Focus on positivity + Don't Fear Failure.


Honestly, I had my hands full just getting through 2015. I (still) have no clue what I want to do "when I grow up". And maybe that’s OK. There is only so much time in a day and brain cells in my brain and self-discipline in my body.

That’s the thing with setting goals, or resolutions, or intentions.

There’s a lot to be said for just thinking about them and writing them down.

I haven't read it, but that's the gist of the whole The Secret message, right?

Taking the smallest step in the right direction. Life is a journey that doesn’t reset each January 1st, it continues forward into the new year and onwards until, well, forever.


Here’s my plan for 2016.

First, continue on with the goals above, with a special priority given to Goal #2.

Then, I have set one intention for the 2016


I ended 2015 feeling negative, hard, jaded, cynical, and pessimistic.

Taking things too personally.

Feeling personally responsible for everything.

Trying to control things beyond my control.

Not seeing the beauty and love and goodness right there in front of me.

I know I’m not alone in feeling the need to relax, unclench my jaw, laugh more, worry less, enjoy life, be in the moment, find gratitude and be present in the moment. 

This notion of softening is everywhere lately. It’s been written about here and here and here.

And here:

My Vow to Soften

I’ve had enough of my hard edges.
I’m tired of straining my voice.
I’d like to loosen up and laugh a little more,
Be a positive rather than a negative.

I’d like to feel the upward curve of my lips.
I’d like to surrender control of things in which I have no control.
I’d like to let things unfold in their own time, in their own way.
I’d like to participate joyfully in this fleeting life.

From:  A Vow to ‘Soften’ So Your Loved Ones Can Shine on the Hands Free Mama blog

I’ll explore SOFTEN more in my next blog post.  

In the meantime, here are some updated picks for reaching goals like mine:

Women, Food, and God: an Unexpected Path to Almost Everythingby Geneen Roth.

Goal #1 - Eat and Move to Feel Well

Women, Food, and God: an Unexpected Path to Almost Everything

by Geneen Roth

Younger Next Year for Womenby Chris Crowley

Goal #1 - Eat and Move to Feel Well

Younger Next Year for Women

by Chris Crowley

Not Buying It: Stop Overspending and Start Raising Happier, Healthier, More Successful Kidsby Brett Graff

Goal #2  - Spend Money Purposefully & Reduce Debt

Not Buying It: Stop Overspending and Start Raising Happier, Healthier, More Successful Kids

by Brett Graff

Note: this book is not due out until later in the spring. Check back to reserve your copy.

The Debt-Free Spending Plan: An Amazingly Simple Way to Take Control of YOur Finances Once and For Allby JoAnneh Nagler

Goal #2  - Spend Money Purposefully & Reduce Debt

The Debt-Free Spending Plan: An Amazingly Simple Way to Take Control of Your Finances Once and For All

by JoAnneh Nagler

Smart Money, Smart Kids: Raising the Next Generation to Win With Moneyby Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze

Goal #2  - Spend Money Purposefully & Reduce Debt

Smart Money, Smart Kids: Raising the Next Generation to Win With Money

by Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze

Do Less, Get More: How to Work Smart and Live Life Your Wayby Shaa Wasmund

Goal #3 - Simplicity & Gratitude

Do Less, Get More: How to Work Smart and Live Life Your Way

by Shaa Wasmund

A God That Could Be Real: Spirituality, Science, and the Future of Our Planetby Nancy Ellen Abrams

Goal #4 - Spirituality and Family

A God That Could Be Real: Spirituality, Science, and the Future of Our Planet

by Nancy Ellen Abrams

After This: When Life is Over, Where Do We Go?by Claire Bidwell Smith

Goal #4 - Spirituality and Family

After This: When Life is Over, Where Do We Go?

by Claire Bidwell Smith

Faith: Essays From Believers, Agnostics, and Atheistsedited by Victoria Zackheim

Goal #4 - Spirituality and Family

Faith: Essays From Believers, Agnostics, and Atheists

edited by Victoria Zackheim

Life Reimagined: The Science, Art and Opportunity of Midlifeby Barbara Bradley Hagerty

Goal #5 - Explore and Plan for My "Next Act"

Life Reimagined: The Science, Art and Opportunity of Midlife

by Barbara Bradley Hagerty

Rising Strongby Brene Brown

Goal #5 - Explore and Plan for My "Next Act"

Rising Strong

by Brene Brown

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