Kids & Parents

Holiday Board Books

Holiday Board Book sign
Des Plaines is a uniquely diverse community and the library tries to reflect that in our collections.

We now have a new collection  to help our youngest patrons celebrate their rich cultural heritages.

Drum roll, please...

Introducing "Holiday Board Books-Let's Celebrate Together!"

Each month board books (perfect for little hands and dribbly mouths) will be switched up according to what holidays are coming up.   

This month you will find books on Valentine's Day and Holi, the Hindu Festival of Colors. 

A variety of board books.
You might also find Elmo's Lucky Day for St. Patrick's Day and don't miss It's Ramadan, Curious George! 

You can find this collection on the second floor near the play area.

As the year goes on, we will try to represent as many different holidays as we can. 

If you notice something missing, let us know!

We are fortunate to be in a city that is home to many different cultures. 

By sharing traditions with our children and each other we can create a community of respect.

Here are a couple of our favorites: 

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