Paywall-Free Newspapers

New York Times - free, unlimited access to News AT THE LIBRARY. In-library only

Unlimited access to the News on any device during your visit. Create a free account, or log in. Gain access to limited free articles, news alerts, select newsletters, podcasts and some daily games.

New York Times All Access - free, unlimited access to This includes News, Games, Cooking, Wirecutter & The Athletic.

To activate your access, click on "Redeem," then log in or register. You'll have 24 hours of unlimited access to News, Games, Cooking, Wirecutter & The Athletic before you will need to reactivate your "subscription." Please note that each product requires its own app for access.

Wall Street Journal - Paywall-free access to

From home, enter your DPPL card number and click ‘Login’ to begin your free access. Create a account, or log in to an existing account. Please note: Your access will be available for the next 3 days. After 3 days, simply come back and click the above link again and login as an existing user with the same username and password you originally created. Four year backfile. This service does not include WSJ mobile app access nor WSJ+ content.


Washington Post - paywall free access at the library In-library only

Unlimited free access to The Washington Post website while you're in the library.


Washington Post - paywall-free access to The Washington Post outside the library

Create a free account with an email address & password, or log in to your existing account. This process must be repeated every 7 days for continued access to the Washington Post website.