Investment newsletters

We subscribe to the best and most respected investment newsletters so that you can access a wealth of advice and knowledge. Everything listed here is available in paper form or online at the library on the 4th floor. Ask a librarian for access to the online versions.

Aden Forecast

A monthly investment letter specializing in stocks, bonds, precious metals, currencies and international markets.


Bi-weekly newsletter by Dan Sullivan. Provides stock advice for investors, relative strength ratings for particular stocks, and fundamentals on new recommendations.

Chartist Mutual Fund Letter

Semi-monthly newsletter by Dan Sullivan. Recommends mutual funds, lists best performing domestic funds, provides information on tax considerations, and quotes from selected advisors.

Drip Investor

Monthly newsletter. Provides the latest news, information, guidance and recommendations on DRIPs and Dividend Reinvestment Plans.

Investment Quality Trends

Since 1966 this newsletter focuses exclusively on dividend paying blue-chip stocks. An independent source of information, IQ Trends is highly valued for its quality and value investing advice.

Kiplinger Letter

Weekly newsletter by Kiplinger Washington Editors. Provides forecasts for management in the areas of taxes, bonds, and economy.

Kiplinger Tax Letter

Bi-weekly newsletter by Kiplinger Washington Editors. Discusses tax changes, tax brackets, and itemized deductions.

Kiplinger’s Investing for Income

“Strategies to Boost Your Cash Yield” on the newsletter covers indicates its goal to help maximize your investment income in any economic climate.

Kiplinger's Retirement Report

Monthly newsletter by Kiplinger  Washington Editors. Touts itself as "Your guide to a richer retirement." Includes managing finances, interest rate trends, estate planning, and retirement living.


Bi-weekly newsletter by PRI Financial Publishing. Provides stock and bond fund recommendations.

NoLoad Fund X

Monthly newsletter. Rates no-load mutual funds and provides a review of their performances.

Utility Forecaster

A newsletter that has covered the utility industry for nearly three decades.