Rocky’s Recs

May 2021 Newsletter

RR 5/21
Happy Reading From Your Youth Services Team! 

The Youth Services Team loves sharing books, audiobooks, and movies that we've enjoyed and we think kids and their parents will enjoy too. Here's what we've been loving this in May!


Would you like to get our recommendations sent right to your inbox? 


Miner Recs Newsletters & Podcasts

Miner Recs Episode 72 Now Available!

On this episode, Charlie, Liz, Elizabeth and Joel have a conversation about gardening. Along the way, they touch on subjects such as composting, soil conditions, container gardening, planting zones, protecting your crops against hungry squirrels and chipmunks, and a lot more!

Listen to their conversation in the player below:

Continue Reading "Miner Recs Episode 72 Now Available!"

Des Plaines Memory

All Things Seem Possible in May

May 2021
Some other reasons to celebrate the month of May: warmer weather, tulips blooming, moms, and a three-day weekend all give us a sense of hope. May also has some great National Days, National Weeks and National Month observations. Here are just a few…