Wee Artistes: Alexander Calder
The June 12 Wee Artistes kit is inspired by artist Alexander Calder and his colorful, kinetic creations.
Want to learn some more about his fascinating work? Good thing you came to the library!
Want to learn some more about his fascinating work? Good thing you came to the library!
Happening at the library
Between June 5 - June 30, design a bookmark using the template and paint, crayon, pencil, markers or mixed media.
Return your completed entry and work of art to the 1st floor customer service desk or scan and email to summer@dppl.org.
Continue Reading "DPPL’s Summer 2021 Design-A-Bookmark Contest" →
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Rocky’s Recs
The Youth Services Team loves sharing books, audiobooks, and movies that we've enjoyed and we think kids and their parents will enjoy too. Here's what we've been loving this in May!
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We open at 1:00pm today.