DPPL Storytime

Virtual Storytime: Bardzo Głodna Gąsienica & Malutki Pajaczek

Hey Kiddos! It's Thursday and time for DPPL Storytime. We miss you all and hope you will tune in for a new episode each week! We're continuing our celebration of Children's Day in Poland, and on this episode, Pani Ela reads "Bardzo Głodna Gąsienica" by Eric Carle and sings "Malutki Pajaczek" for you. Enjoy! Don't forget, you can follow us on Facebook or Instagram to see more virtual programming like this!

Happening at the library

Carry-Out Service Frequently Asked Questions

Carryout Services
Got Questions About Carry-Out Service at Des Plaines Public Library? 

Des Plaines Public Library new Carry-Out Service Desk is OPEN!

This contactless service is located on the north side of the building.  

Carry-Out Service is by appointment only.

DPPL will call you to schedule an appointment when your holds are available for contactless pickup. Go ahead and place new holds at this time.

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Wednesday Crafternoons

It’s Wednesday. Let’s Explore!

Texture example

Carpet is soft and fuzzy while hardwood floors are smooth. What’s your floor like?

The building is still closed but the library is open.

Fluffy. Bumpy. Scaly. Smooth.

These are words used to describe textures. 

Our world is filled with them.

Animals, plants, objects, surfaces, US, they can be found everywhere. 

What's a texture, you ask?

Texture is how something feels when you touch it. 

For instance, sand can feel wet and grainy. 

But rocks feel rough and bumpy. 

Today, we're going to turn different textures into a sensory art print...

Continue Reading "It’s Wednesday. Let’s Explore!"

Great DPPL Bake-Along

Legolas’s Lembas Bread

This week on The Great DPPL Bake-Along:

We bake lembas bread, the famous food of the Elves from The Lord of the Rings. 

According to Legolas, one bite can fill the stomach of a grown man!

We’ll share our results, our recipes, and a little bit about our chosen stories on this blog.

AND we invite YOU to bake along with us.

Share what you make by tagging us with #DPPLBakes, send us your favorite recipes, or just enjoy reading our entries.

Continue Reading "Legolas’s Lembas Bread"

DPPL On Demand

Using HelpNow To Write An Effective Resume

Even if you’re not actively searching for a job, it’s always a good idea to have your resume up to date.  The library has many tools on our website that can help you with creating or updating your resume and planning your job search strategy.  Even though the library is closed, all of the resources are accessible from outside of the library, 24 hours a day.

Continue Reading "Using HelpNow To Write An Effective Resume"