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Remember the Census This Weekend!

census 2020
In the next week, Illinois residents who haven't filled out the Census form online will receive a full paper form in the mail.

Because of Covid-19, the Census Bureau is suspending door-to-door  outreach, and doubling down on email and online outreach.

You can help Des Plaines get a head start by spreading the word about the Census online!

Use #2020Census on your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or make up a Census dance on Tiktok!

About 50% of Illinois residents have filled out their form already.

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Des Plaines Memory

Making History Together: Share Your 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic Story

The word “history” usually makes us think about the distant past - events of someone or something not connected to our daily lives.

There is nothing like a global crisis, however, to make us realize that we are making and living through history right now!

We invite you to help us document the impact of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic on the Des Plaines community by sharing your photographs and writing.

Continue Reading "Making History Together: Share Your 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic Story"