Wednesday Crafternoons

It’s Wednesday. Let’s Make Something Fun!

toy vending machine
The building is closed but the library is open.

Every Wednesday Crafternoon, the 2nd floor crew will share a fun, easy craft families can do from home. 

Any kiddos here ever tempted by the mystery prizes in those toy vending machines?

Well, forget scrounging around for quarters.

This week, we'll be making our very own bouncy balls!

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DPPL On Demand

You Don’t Have to Leave the House to Learn a Foreign Language


You can learn to speak to others in another language while practicing social distancing.

Sounds weird but it's true.

Ideally you'd be flying to France to learn French or Rome to learn Italian, but that's hard for most of us to do in normal times, and impossible right now.

You can learn a lot through the library's website, however, without even leaving your couch. Or spending any money.

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