
Pint & Click Podcast 27 Now Available!

On the latest episode of the Pint & Click Podcast, Dave and Tony along with two new panelists, Kristyn and Joel, have a wide-ranging discussion about a variety of brand new media. Tony discusses the latest game in The Legend Of Zelda series, Breath Of The Wild (available at DPPL for Nintendo Switch and Wii U); Kristyn talks about Roxane Gay's new collection of short stories Difficult Women; Joel examines News Of The World, the latest novel by Paulette Jiles; and Dave explores the first volume of the rebooted Jughead comic book series, as written by Chip Zdarsky. Finally, the whole panel discusses Logan, the latest (and possibly last) installment of the X-Men film series, directed by James Mangold and starring Hugh Jackman, Dafne Keen and Patrick Stewart.

To hear previous episodes of the Pint & Click Podcast, subscribe with iTunes or visit the Podomatic page to listen and share. Also, if you enjoy the podcast and have a free moment, please rate and review us on iTunes - it helps others find the podcast more easily!

Happening at the library

Satisfy Your Fandom at the Library

The Urban Dictionary’s top definition of fandom is, “The community that surrounds a tv show/movie/book etc. Fanfiction writers, artists, poets, and cosplayers are all members of that fandom” (by Brianne August 08, 2004). The second definition is, “A cult that will destroy your life” (by TodayWasSoup March 16, 2013). I can relate to #2.

My house is a hotbed and breeding ground for fanatical attachments. Doctor Who, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Transformers, Walking Dead, Minions, and Legos all compete for space, time, and disposable income within my 4-person family unit.

Fandoms, like children, demand constant feeding.

That can become exhausting (finding the next great site or Youtube video) and expensive (buying the next great collectible). Where do you turn when you must indulge your passion, but you don’t want to spend more or you aren’t sure what else is out there?

At the library, you can feed your interest (some might call it obsession, but I wouldn't) for FREE! We have the movies, tv shows, music, comics, videogames and book series you crave.

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Ready for a Breath of Fresh Gameplay?

I have long been a fan of Zelda games, having beaten some multiple times. With each new game, I continue to find myself further engrossed in the mystique and intrigue that the world of Hyrule always embodied. It's long been a world filled with unique characters, elaborate stories, and inventive use of items going well beyond just simple weapons.

So when Nintendo announced The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild a few years back, I could not wait to get my hands on it.

DPPL now offers the game in both Nintendo Switch or Wii U formats.

Now that I've had some time to play through the game for myself, here are my thoughts for those of you still on the fence.

Continue Reading "Ready for a Breath of Fresh Gameplay?"