Staff Picks

Time for a Switch at Nintendo?

The time has finally come. After months of waiting and waiting, Nintendo finally pulled the NX out from behind its massive curtain of secrecy, and revealed the Nintendo Switch.

The upcoming console slated for release currently in March 2017 has had one of the most bizarre marketing strategies I've ever seen, and so far it appears to be paying off. By not talking about it at all for months, rumors theories have been flying around in their place, and resulted in the most talked about game system announcement I have seen in a long time.

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Pint & Click Podcasts 18 & 19: “Meta” Works and Horror Films

Episode 19: Horror

Tony with special guests Charlie, Fernando and Steven celebrate Halloween by discussing horror films, including Hausu (1977), The Boy (2016) and The VVitch (2015), as well as some of the more general tropes of the genre.

Episode 18: "Meta"

Dave, Tony, and Jami discuss meta media (that is, self-referential works of art) such as Jorge Luis Borges' short story The Garden Of Forking Paths, Kurt Vonnegut's novel Breakfast Of Champions, the documentary film American Movie, and the novel House Of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski.

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