Happening at the library
World Book Night

What is this World Book Night?
I’ve been asked that question a lot lately. World Book Night is an annual event. The motto says it all: Spreading the love of reading, person to person.
Anna Quindlen, author of Still Life with Bread Crumbs, puts it beautifully,
What's better than a good book? A whole box of them, and the opportunity to share them with new readers. The idea behind World Book Night is inspired and as a writer and a reader I'm thrilled to be part of it.
Each year on April 23rd (Happy Birthday, Shakespeare!), thousands and thousands of volunteers across the United States, Ireland, and the United Kingdom head into their communities to give away specially printed books to people who aren’t readers or might not have books of their own. It’s a heady experience. Linda, a Book Giver from 2013 described her best moment, “hearing these young guys walk away with their copy saying, ‘we can have our own book club.’”