Archive for 10/2014

Staff Picks

What We Don’t Know

Many of us are not thrilled about approaching the doorstep of winter, but this time of year affords a unique perspective to our lives. I remember playing football in my backyard at the edge of a Pennsylvania forest and stopping, as the sun had almost set, to peer into the gathering shadows of the woods. I wondered if I just saw something move in the tree-filled murk. While there would obviously be nothing there (or was there?), my curiosity has always been piqued by tales of the unknown, the undiscovered, the untold or the unseen.

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Our New Catalog: FAQs

Our new catalog interface has been in place for a few weeks. Now that things are smoothing out, we thought it time for a quick FAQ answering some of the most common questions we've received since the launch.    If you are unfamiliar with the lingo, the "catalog" is the portion of the library website where you can seach for books, music and other library materials, place holds on those items, review your account and renew materials you have checked out.  

The new DPPL catalog, Enterprise

The new DPPL catalog

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