Archive for 02/2016


The Woman Behind To Kill a Mockingbird

Nelle Harper Lee

Nelle Harper Lee

What made Harper Lee tick?

Most fans of the private, Pulitzer Prize-winning author, who died in February just shy of her 90th birthday, likely will never know.

There's one thing we do know, however.

To Kill a Mockingbird, the legacy of Nelle Harper Lee, continues to absorb - and attract - new audiences.

In 2014, Lee signed a deal with HarperCollins for the release of To Kill a Mockingbird in electronic and digital form.

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Love the library and looking to serve?

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Want to be part of the group that establishes the policies and procedures to ensure DPPL is responsive to community needs in a  fiscally responsible and progressive way?

Interested in being a part of the group that develops the vision and belief statements that steer these decisions? 

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Do you love the library and are looking to serve your community in a rewarding and dynamic way?

A position on the DPPL board of trustees may be for you!

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