Archive for P160/2022


Textbook Travail?

For those of us who work at the Reference desk (fourth-floor public desk), this is not an uncommon phone, email or in-person question around the start of any given semester.

Mostly from college students, but there's the occasional one in high school.

It's a subject that can cause substantial panic.

As a public library, we don't own much in the way of textbooks. The good news, however, is that we can steer you to other places that do.

It's a competitive industry, and textbooks sites can offer a range of options: buy a new or used copy. Or, rent one.

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Share Your Ideas, Take the DPPL Community Survey

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DPPL is creating our 2022 - 2025 Strategic Plan.

And we want to hear from YOU!

This plan will include the goals, strategies and intiatives the library will pursue from November 2022 through November 2025.

Des Plaines Public Library is proud to be your STAR LIBRARY and our aim is to not let up.

Our intention is to be a library for all of Des Plaines, to continue to offer abundant goods and services, to operate in a way that is sustainable and a good use of taxpayer funds.

You can share your ideas in one of four ways:

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September is Library Card Sign-Up Month, Tell Your Friends!

Greetings From DPPL
Refer-a-Friend: September is Library Card Sign-Up Month, Tell Your Friends! 

September means it’s time for Library Card Sign-up Month. 

Celebrate by signing up for your own library card and be entered for a chance to win a $25 gift card to local Des Plaines restaurants! 

But what if you already have a card? 

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