Archive for P235/2022

DPPL On Demand

Universal Class: Easy Online Learning - free and at your fingertips

Get out your library card, and sign up for Universal Class!

It's easy to learn something new in a simple, organized fashion with this program using a computer or a mobile device. Universal Class provides access to over 500 classes that range from technical to homespun. Classes can be taken two different ways, each self-paced.  You can work toward a certificate of completion or take the class with less structure, without assignments and just for the joy of learning.

Universal Class offerings

The choice of topics is vast. Practical Microsoft Office software courses abound. Google sheets, Google docs, Google analytics in addition to all types of computer programming courses are available. The real delight is the offering of enrichment classes. History, career development, entrepreneurship, as well as, how to meditate, paint, write. 

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DIY With DPPL: Scarecrow

Hey, Kiddos! It's time for a new edition of DIY with DPPL!

Starting on Monday, November 22nd, stop by the Youth Services desk on the second floor of DPPL to pick up a kit (while supplies last!).

This time, you'll learn how to make a scarecrow!

Then use the materials to do the project we show you step-by-step in the video. 

Suppress from homepage

Miner Recs Episode 75: Horror Movies

On this episode, Charlie, Ariana, Joel and Lydia discuss their likes and dislikes when it comes to horror films. They talk about the horror-comedy Tucker & Dale vs. Evil at length, and also touch on other scary films such as Midsommar, The Blair Witch Project, Young Frankenstein and more!

Listen to their conversation in the player below:

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