Archive for P240/2022

Des Plaines Memory

Shopping in Des Plaines: Remember When?

Holiday shopping is much changed from the days of Des Plaines yore, circa 1900 - 1970.

Back then there was no "Black Friday". No Amazon Prime and next day delivery. No Target or Walmart or Old Navy.

The shopping was slower, locally based, at stores and local merchants who served generations and knew families by name.

Today on Des Plaines Memory, we take a stroll down the streets of our town and remember some of our favorite establishments.


Staff Picks

Dreading Midwest winter? Read these 5 holiday romances to brighten your spirits

Like many Midwesterners, I hate winter.

Nothing transforms me into a winter troll quite like commuting home on a dark night in the gray slush, shivering even in my -20 degree-rated parka. 

But one positive thing about winter?

Fewer plans and more time for reading!

I hope these cozy holiday romance reads warm your soul and make you forget you haven’t seen the sun in days.

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17 Books & Resources Supporting Transgender Awareness

Transgender Flag
November 13 to 19 is Transgender Awareness Week, which seeks to educate people on the issues that transgender individuals face, as well as increase their visibility in society. 

This week is followed by November 20, Transgender Day of Remembrance. 

This day acts as a remembrance for the transgender individuals who have lost their lives due to anti-trans violence.

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