Move & Groove
The Floor is Lava

The Floor is Lava!
Move the furniture around, throw down pillows, and put out anything to help you stay off the floor
and get ready for the first round.
Move & Groove
Move the furniture around, throw down pillows, and put out anything to help you stay off the floor
and get ready for the first round.
Kids & Parents
There are still sunny days ahead, even if some of them will have us bundling up a bit!
We're excited to bring you another great picture book to read as you enjoy one of Des Plaines' great parks!
Continue Reading "Take a (Story)Walk and Find Something Beautiful" →
DPPL Storytime
Hey, Kiddos! It's time for DPPL Storytime!
Don't forget, you can follow us on Facebook or Instagram to see more virtual programming like this.
Move & Groove
This week join us at Centennial Park in Des Plaines.
You can try out our chalk course and then play the musical instruments that are here in the park!
The DPPL band needs a hand!
Kids & Parents
Continue Reading "Why Should My Family Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month?" →
Open until 9:00pm today.