Archive for P305/2022

Rocky’s Recs

April 2021 Newsletter

Happy Reading From Your Youth Services Team! 

The Youth Services Team loves sharing books, audiobooks, and movies that we've enjoyed and we think kids and their parents will enjoy too. Here's what we've been loving this month!


Would you like to get our recommendations sent right to your inbox? 


DPPL On Demand

Meet Someone New with Biography in Context

Biographies in Context is a database that can give you a lot more or different sources of biographical information than just book form.  It lays out side by side all the published matter they have available in any format, on people in history including the current day.

Watch the video above or read on to see how to access it:

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Happening at the library

DPPL is Fine Free

Starting May 1st, Des Plaines Public Library is joining hundreds of libraries across the United States, and 23 other libraries in our local CCS consortium, in eliminating overdue fines!

We look forward to welcoming past users back and meeting new members of the community! 

Here's what you need to know.

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