Archive for P320/2022

Staff Picks

What YA Book should you read based on your D&D Class?

For my first Dungeons & Dragons campaign, I played a halfling wizard librarian who consistently carried at least 13 books in her pack.

Her most devastating moment in the campaign was when a magical scroll burst into flames in front of her eyes before she had the chance to fully read it.

In honor of her, and in honor of our upcoming virtual Teen D&D one-shot campaign hosted by Pastimes Comics where we cover a full story in just 2.5 hours (Grades 7-12 can sign up here!), I’ve put together a list of YA reads for all of the classic D&D classes.

Take a look and see if you agree or disagree with your recommended read!

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Surprise, Discovery, and Books!

LibraryAware Mystery February Newsletter

Feb 2021 Mystery Newsletter


There is something sublime in its randomness, its supreme ability to surprise.

Mail is the completion of an event, an act.

Someone put forth an effort to send something and the delivery to your mailbox is the final step, the culmination of a timeless method of communication.

It’s a concept similar to the light of stars, but in a different scope.

Every birthday card, holiday melange of pictures of relatives, or a mere note sent by a treasured friend: all are the representations of someone else’s present, now a few days in the past.

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Wednesday Crafternoons

It’s Wednesday. Let’s Wing It!

Bird feeding

Just like our feathered friends do. 

February is National Bird Feeding Month. 

One of the coldest months of the year, February makes it harder on birds to find food. 

So sometimes, they have to improvise. 

And that's where you come in. 

Now, we don't expect you to go out and dig up some worms. 

Especially in the cold. 

But seeds and nuts are easy enough to get at the store. 

They're packed with nutrients and a great high energy food for birds to survive the winter. 

Today, we'll be making some homemade bird feeders. 

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DPPL On Demand

Hear Irish Music And More On Freegal

I'm a huge fan of Irish music, year round, not just on St. Patrick's Day. That's why I was so happy to see how much Irish music is available on Freegal. Freegal is a music service, offered for free to all Des Plaines card holders, that allows you to stream over 13 million songs, audiobooks and performances 24 hours a day. You can also download 5 songs each week to your own device.

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