Archive for P365/2022

Wednesday Crafternoons

It’s Wednesday. Let’s Scare Up A Mask!

Mask Fashion

We know. We know. 

Masks. Are. Everywhere. 

They can be tiresome, frustrating, and sweaty but STILL necessary for our safety. 

They've even become a fashion statement.

Who'd have thunk? 

But we meant a different kind of mask. 

Anyone know what holiday is coming up? 

Nope, not Halloween but it does start on the same day. 

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DPPL Storytime

Virtual Storytime: Halloween Storytime

Boo, Kiddos! It's time for a very spooky edition of DPPL Storytime!

We'll enjoy a fun rhyme called 5 Little Pumpkins, and read through the book The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid Of Anything by Linda Williams (with kind permission from Scholastic).

And if you like these stories, be sure come out to the 2nd floor Youth Services desk to pick up a free copy of The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid Of Anything (one book per family, while supplies last)!

Don't forget, you can follow us on Facebook or Instagram to see more virtual programming like this.

Beat Boredom with Board Games!

I have very distinct childhood memories surrounding board games.

They encompass everything from imagining what a real life Candy Land would be like, flexing my spelling muscles with Boggle and Scrabble, figuring out gravity via KerPlunk, and how to be a good sport about losing Rummikub for the thousandth time to my math-minded sister (truth bomb: I've never been a good loser).

Board games were an important part of my growth and learning, and as an adult they are often what brings friends and family together for a day or night of tremendous fun. 

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Miner Recs Newsletters & Podcasts

Miner Recs Episode 69 Now Available!

On this episode, Charlie, Jami, and Joel discuss The Water Dancer, the debut novel by Ta-Nehisi Coates. Along the way, they discuss magical realism, slave narratives, the differences between the printed word and audiobooks, and much more! (Please note, this episode was recorded remotely using Zoom - you may notice some slight audio imperfections, which were inherent in the source.) Listen to their conversation in the player below:

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Great DPPL Bake-Along

Chava’s Coffee Cake from The Golem and the Jinni

This week on The Great DPPL Bake-Along:

We bake coffee cake inspired by Chava's first foray into baking in The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker.

We’ll share our results, our recipes, and a little bit about our chosen stories on this blog.

AND we invite YOU to bake along with us.

Share what you make by tagging us with #DPPLBakes, send us your favorite recipes, or just enjoy reading our entries.

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