Archive for P140/2024

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Summer Reading Program Volunteers Needed

Help out during DPPL’s 2023 Summer Reading Challenge!

You will promote SRC, greet families, hand out prizes, and much more! For students entering 7th - 12th grade in the Fall.

If you're friendly, patient, and enthusiastic about working with children, sign up to become a Summer Reading Challenge Volunteer at the Des Plaines Public Library!

SRC Volunteers MUST be entering grades 7-12 in the Fall of 2023.

Applications will be available Monday, April 10.

If you have any questions email Esli Avalos at or call 847-376-2837

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DIY With DPPL: Pompom Bookmarks

Hey, Kiddos! It's time for a new edition of DIY with DPPL!

This time, you'll learn how to make your very own pompom bookmark.

Starting on Saturday, March 7th, stop by the Youth Services desk on the second floor of DPPL to pick up a kit (while supplies last!).

Then use the materials to do the project we show you step-by-step in the video. (Grade 1 and up.)

Kids & Parents

Holiday Board Books

Holiday Board Book sign
Des Plaines is a uniquely diverse community and the library tries to reflect that in our collections.

We now have a new collection  to help our youngest patrons celebrate their rich cultural heritages.

Drum roll, please...

Introducing "Holiday Board Books-Let's Celebrate Together!"

Each month board books (perfect for little hands and dribbly mouths) will be switched up according to what holidays are coming up.   

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