Archive for P265/2024

Move & Groove

Pirate Treasure Hunt at Willow Park

Yellow lawn sign with Move and Groove in multiple colors with the book pirate treasure hunt leaning against it
Ahoy, Matey.  Move and Groove is back fer the next couple o' months.  It’s a great way to keep ye buccaneers explorin’ the parks aroun' Des Plaines 'n active if ye ever 'ave to walk the plank'.

This time we took our booty and the book  Pirate Treasure Hunt by Jan Peck to Willow Park.

Stop by, if ye're brave enough, to be sent on a treacherous trail and

if ye survive...

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Kids & Parents

DIY With DPPL: Dragonfly

Hey, Kiddos! It's time for a new edition of DIY with DPPL!

Starting on Saturday, September 18th, stop by the Youth Services desk on the second floor of DPPL to pick up a kit (while supplies last!).

This time, you'll learn how to make a dragonfly using objects like pipe cleaners, beads, and (everybody's favorite) googly eyes!

Then use the materials to do the project we show you step-by-step in the video. 

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