Archive for P295/2024

Happening at the library

DPPL’s Summer 2021 Design-A-Bookmark Contest

We want to see YOUR Art-rageous Masterpiece! All Ages are invited to participate.

Between June 5 - June 30, design a bookmark using the template and paint, crayon, pencil, markers or mixed media.

Return your completed entry and work of art to the 1st floor customer service desk or scan and email to

Winners will be selected in four age categories and will be featured on professionally printed bookmarks given out at DPPL for all to enjoy!

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Rocky’s Recs

May 2021 Newsletter

RR 5/21
Happy Reading From Your Youth Services Team! 

The Youth Services Team loves sharing books, audiobooks, and movies that we've enjoyed and we think kids and their parents will enjoy too. Here's what we've been loving this in May!


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