Archive for P325/2024

Wednesday Crafternoons

It’s Wednesday. Let’s Wing It!

Bird feeding

Just like our feathered friends do. 

February is National Bird Feeding Month. 

One of the coldest months of the year, February makes it harder on birds to find food. 

So sometimes, they have to improvise. 

And that's where you come in. 

Now, we don't expect you to go out and dig up some worms. 

Especially in the cold. 

But seeds and nuts are easy enough to get at the store. 

They're packed with nutrients and a great high energy food for birds to survive the winter. 

Today, we'll be making some homemade bird feeders. 

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DPPL On Demand

Hear Irish Music And More On Freegal

I'm a huge fan of Irish music, year round, not just on St. Patrick's Day. That's why I was so happy to see how much Irish music is available on Freegal. Freegal is a music service, offered for free to all Des Plaines card holders, that allows you to stream over 13 million songs, audiobooks and performances 24 hours a day. You can also download 5 songs each week to your own device.

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DIY With DPPL: Clay Art

Hey, Kiddos! It's time for DIY with DPPL!

This week, Mrs. Liz is presenting a clay art project.

 In the bag that you can pick up at the library (while supplies last), you will find all you need to make a clay mobile.  

Don't forget, you can follow us on Facebook or Instagram to see more virtual programming like this.

Ages 5 and up.

Rocky’s Recs

February 15, 2021 Edition

Rocky's Recs 2-15

We're open for browsing and we're looking forward to welcoming you back into the library!

So grab your mask, a big bag, and stop in to stock up to keep the family busy on chilly winter nights.

Here are some suggestions for some great things to pick up.

Ami, Becky, Cheryl, Miss Elizabeth, Miss Esli, Miss Steph, Mrs. Liz, Mrs. Murphy, Sally, Stephanie G., and Stephanie S.