Archive for P395/2024

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It’s Wednesday. Let’s Do The Butterfly!

The Very Impatient Caterpillar

The Very Impatient Caterpillar by Ross Burach

The dance move? 


The swimstroke? 


Soooo, just a regular, old butterfly then?  


But trust us.

There's nothing regular or old about this one. 

Our butterfly is gonna be a BUDDAH-FLY! 😎 

This week, get ready to metamorph some paper into a beautiful BUTTERFLY!

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Zoo Obstacle Course at Administrative and Leisure Center!

It is another installment of DPPL's Move & Groove Tuesday! 

We are still coming at you from the Des Plaines Park District, but at a different location. 

Did you guess the location correctly?

Each week look for a new fun way to get moving around Des Plaines.  

We'll post them on DPPL's Facebook and Instagram pages and here on the blog. 

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DPPL On Demand

Stay Crafty With Creativebug

There are people who think that crafting is all about “the making”, and that if you are not making something all the time, you are not a crafter. I don’t think so. If you haven’t felt like picking up a craft project in a while, that’s okay. You’re still a crafter. To infuse your spirit with creative energy, let me introduce you to one of our online learning resources, Creativebug. 

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