Archive for P420/2024

Great DPPL Bake-Along

Charlotte’s Web’s Blueberry Pie

This week on The Great DPPL Bake-Along:

Slice of blueberry pie

We bake Blueberry Pie, Mrs. Zuckerman’s delight from Charlotte's Web by E. B. White.

We’ll share our results, our recipes, and a little bit about our chosen stories on this blog.

AND we invite YOU to bake along with us.

Share what you make by tagging us with #DPPLBakes, send us your favorite recipes, or just enjoy reading our entries.

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DPPL Cares

Recursos Económicos & De Comida Local / Financial & Economic Resources

In these challenging times, one of the things the library does best is round up important info and resources.

Here are some local Organizations that provide food distribution and economic assistance.

La siguiente lista da referencia a lugares locales y organizaciones que proveen alimentos como también asistencia económica para aquellos que la necesitan.

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