Rocky’s Recs
Picks For Kids: Rocky’s Recs February 2025

Rocky’s Recs
Hey, Kiddos! It's time for a new edition of DIY with DPPL!
This month’s DIY kit is a miniature mindfulness garden. Winter in Chicago often finds us indoors so this project is especially great! Some of the benefits of creating and using these gardens include:
Improving focus & concentration
Connecting with nature
Increasing curiosity, creativity, and imagination.
Reducing stress and increasing calmness
Developing mindfulness and the ability to be present
As they pour the sand and arrange the stones, moss and bridges encourage your children to really connect with the landscape they are creating. They can use the rake to draw lines, swirls, hills, and valleys. Remind them to take a few moments to breathe. The beauty of this garden is ever changing, so enjoy!
(Grade 1 and up.)
eForward Newsletter
Check out more than 50 things to do at DPPL this month. Programs, crafts, classes and more for Adults, Kids and Teens.
We open at 9:00am today.