Posted in DPPL On Demand

DPPL On Demand

Make An Informed Decision With Consumer Reports

It's always a good time to pay attention to expenses and get a good deal, but now is a particularly good time.

Consumer Reports can help with unbiased reviews, recommendations and wise advice. The library offers the full version of content from No fees or registration. Just access the service through the library website with your library card.

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DPPL On Demand

Using HelpNow To Write An Effective Resume

Even if you’re not actively searching for a job, it’s always a good idea to have your resume up to date.  The library has many tools on our website that can help you with creating or updating your resume and planning your job search strategy.  Even though the library is closed, all of the resources are accessible from outside of the library, 24 hours a day.

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DPPL On Demand

You Don’t Have to Leave the House to Learn a Foreign Language


You can learn to speak to others in another language while practicing social distancing.

Sounds weird but it's true.

Ideally you'd be flying to France to learn French or Rome to learn Italian, but that's hard for most of us to do in normal times, and impossible right now.

You can learn a lot through the library's website, however, without even leaving your couch. Or spending any money.

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