The Urban Dictionary’s top definition of fandom is, “The community that surrounds a tv show/movie/book etc. Fanfiction writers, artists, poets, and cosplayers are all members of that fandom” (by Brianne August 08, 2004). The second definition is, “A cult that will destroy your life” (by TodayWasSoup March 16, 2013). I can relate to #2.
My house is a hotbed and breeding ground for fanatical attachments. Doctor Who, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Transformers, Walking Dead, Minions, and Legos all compete for space, time, and disposable income within my 4-person family unit.
Fandoms, like children, demand constant feeding.
That can become exhausting (finding the next great site or Youtube video) and expensive (buying the next great collectible). Where do you turn when you must indulge your passion, but you don’t want to spend more or you aren’t sure what else is out there?
At the library, you can feed your interest (some might call it obsession, but I wouldn't) for FREE! We have the movies, tv shows, music, comics, videogames and book series you crave.