Posted in Kids & Parents

Kids & Parents

Taming the LEGO Beast

My son received his first LEGO set for Christmas when he was 2½ , and ever since then, we’ve been a LEGO household: LEGO creations randomly left in rooms, LEGO manuals stashed, and trips to Target or Toys R Us that can never skip the LEGO aisle or requests for “just one small set?”

And don’t get me wrong, LEGOs are awesome – they build hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, facilitate learning to read instructions, encourage imaginative building, and they're a great way to entertain a little one when you're waiting for dinner at a restaurant.  But in a home, they can easily become a source of chaotic mess and deep foot pain (if you’ve ever stepped on a 2x2 brick camouflaged on a carpet, you know what I mean!)  

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Kids & Parents

ROAD TRIP!! Audiobook Selections for Family Travel

Picture of 3 boys enjoying a road trip.
Summer is a time when many families pack up the car and head out on vacation. It’s also a great time to listen to books as a family, creating a shared experience that just might provoke some interesting conversations to boot! 

Here are some titles that involve travel in one form or another. Take a look - you just might find your family’s next big adventure!

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Kids & Parents

At Play

School ended for my boys last Thursday. As I write this, they’ve been out of school for eight days.

Eight days of near constant sibling rivalry, endless arguments over what to have for lunch (Macaroni and cheese! Crackers! Chocolate cupcakes with tiny pieces of banana on top!), and serious mischief and mess making.

I haven’t been able to get anything done; the boys have been wearing swim trunks since Wednesday (when we ran out of clean laundry), the dishes are undone, and all my plans and tasks -- tabled. 

This Friday my husband came home for lunch (I begged him to), and he went through the usual feel-better statements with me: Take a minute to yourself, breath, be in the moment, blah blah.

Then he said this, “you could try playing more.” 

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Kids & Parents

What’s a FP+ for 7DMT?

With summer break looming, many of you might be looking to plan a Disney vacation.  Planning a Disney vacation can seem overwhelming, especially with all the acronyms and new vocabulary being thrown about.  As a seasoned Disney traveler, I am guilty of speaking in such Disney shorthand.  Here is a guide to some important words that you might hear as you plan your Walt Disney World Vacation in Florida.

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