Posted in Kids & Parents

Kids & Parents

Looking for Lincoln

Do you know who said, "You may fool all the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time"?

Illinois’ very own Abraham Lincoln gets credit for this bit of wisdom. This year is the 150th anniversary of his funeral, so many people are interested in learning more about his life and times.

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Kids & Parents

Be a Teen Volunteer at DPPL this Summer

We love our teen volunteers - they're amazing! Each summer roughly 70 teens staff our Summer Reading sign up table. Think your teen would like to be a Summer Reading Club volunteer? Have them come to the library and pick up an application in either the YA area on the 2nd floor or the Teen Lounge on the 3rd.

I've been working with teen volunteers for several years now and I'd like to talk about how you, as a parent, can prep your teen to make the most of their volunteer experience.

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Happening at the library

YS Welcomes a New Family Member

The Youth Services Department is so excited to share some big news that we have been tirelessly working on all winter long. We're sure you've seen us running around the department, measuring, and talking excitedly about the renovation project that has been ongoing since last spring when the Storytime Room was expanded. Through programs and conversations at the desk, we've gotten to be close with families that frequent our department. Because of that, we wanted to be the ones to break the news to you, our dear library family, ourselves.

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