Miner Recs Newsletters & Podcasts
Read, Watch & Listen: Miner Recs July 2023

Miner Recs Newsletters & Podcasts
Move & Groove
Continue Reading "Move and Groove at Kylemore Greens Park" →
Staff Picks
To gain a better understanding of why Pride is valued and celebrated so vibrantly, we have compiled a list of books and other resources the library has to offer.
In PART ONE we shared recommended non-fiction and suggestions for ways to help and protect members of the LGBTQA2+ community.
Hey, Kiddos! It's time for a new edition of DIY with DPPL!
This time, you'll learn how to make your very own dino mask.
Then use the materials to do the project we show you step-by-step in the video. (Grade 1 and up.)
Move & Groove
Move and Groove with DPPL got the beat and brought it to Eaton Field Park on the southwest side of Des Plaines.
We used shakers and music to foster rhythm, an important part of child development.
Continue Reading "Finding Your Rhythm at Eaton Field Park" →
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