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2022 Budget Includes New Chiller, First Increase in Eleven Years

Des Plaines Public Library trustees have approved a 2022 budget including a $300,000 expenditure to replace a 21-year-old chiller system and increasing the property tax levy to $6.4 million, from $6.1 million in 2021.


The current chiller system is beyond its expected lifecycle and is in urgent need of replacement.

It regularly breaks down, stops cooling, and creates potentially hazardous conditions in the building for residents and staff.

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Miner Recs Newsletters & Podcasts

Miner Recs Episode 73 Now Available!

On this episode, Charlie, Michelle, Ariana and Joel have a conversation about art, inspired by our art-rageous summer reading theme. They give recommendations on art documentaries available from our DVD collection or for on-demand streaming from Kanopy, and discuss some of the eye-catching artwork on display throughout our library.

Listen to their conversation in the player below:

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