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Library Renovation

Renovation Update - So Much New!

Our Fast Forward display in the lobby can give you all of the details, but here are the highlights:

We've created an entire Early Literacy Area with board books and all kinds of interactive play for toddlers and preschoolers. We've added new shelving and playful seating by the Poetree. We've debuted the new Information desks on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors. We've finished and opened the 4th floor Forum. We've added a vending area in front of the Friends' Meeting Rooms.

And by the time you read this, we will be making progress on two new attractions on the 3rd floor - The Commons and the E-Bar.  You'll also see some changes in the lobby, including new Quick Pick shelving and a new Security Desk. We're on schedule, on budget, and building what our users asked for.

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The Lazy Composter

How much garbage do you think you make? According to the EPA, Americans generate almost five pounds of garbage each day. That's 29 pounds a week and 1,600 pounds a year. A staggering amount for each of us to send to the landfill.

But here's the good news.

About two thirds of your garbage can be composted without spending much time or money.

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Happening at the library

One Less Thing to Worry About. Automatic Renewals Are Here

New at Des Plaines Public Library. Enjoy your checked-out materials longer with Automatic Renewals.

Items checked out at Des Plaines Public Library will automatically be renewed on their due date for up to 3 renewal periods.

The renewal happens automatically and there is NO action you need to take. Just sit back and keep reading - or watching, or listening.

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Kids & Parents

SYNC Is Coming! Free Audiobooks for Teens

Staff at the library LOVE audiobooks.

How do I know? One only needs to read through past blog posts (here, here, here, and here) to see.

Whenever I discover a brilliant new narrator I have to tell everyone how they need to listen to that book ASAP. Two coworkers are currently listening to The Screaming Staircase by Jonathan Stroud thanks to my glowing recommendation. 

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