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DPPL Celebrates Disability Pride Month

On July 26, 1990, President George H. W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act.

In 2015, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio declared July Disability Pride Month in celebration of the ADA’s 25th anniversary. Photo of the mayor and constituents celebrating.
This is a law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities and broke down barriers to inclusion in society. 

In 2015, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio declared July Disability Pride Month in celebration of the ADA’s 25th anniversary. 

Today, this Disability Pride Month is many things.

It is a chance to learn about and celebrate those of us with disabilities and bring about awareness to ongoing ableism and discrimination against disabled peers.

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Celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride at DPPL

June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month, and we felt it fitting to cover what pride is, as well as a brief history of the event.

And a LOT of book recommendations! (see below)

Originally, LGBTQ+ Pride events took place on June 28th to commemorate the anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Riots, which began on June 28th after the Stonewall Inn was raided by law enforcement and lasted until July 2nd.

LGBTQ+ flag in library lobby
Since then, Pride has expanded significantly.

The month of June was declared Gay and Lesbian Pride Month in 2000 by President Bill Clinton.

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