Rocky’s Recs
Picks For Kids: Rocky’s Recs February 2024
The Youth Services Team loves going on adventures together through books, movies, video games, and much more. Find out where your favorite librarians have traveled this month!
Rocky’s Recs
The Youth Services Team loves going on adventures together through books, movies, video games, and much more. Find out where your favorite librarians have traveled this month!
Hey, Kiddos! It's time for a new edition of DIY with DPPL!
This time, you'll learn how to make your very own frog game.
Then use the materials to do the project we show you step-by-step in the video. (Grade 1 and up.)
eForward Newsletter
Check out more than 50 things to do at DPPL this month. Programs, crafts, classes and more for Adults, Kids and Teens.
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During Black History Month & throughout the year, we invite you to explore our online collections of history, music, film, books and more!
Continue Reading "Explore Black History Month Through DPPL’s Online Collections" →
Happening at the library
Every February, the United States acknowledges the history and achievements of African Americans with Black History Month.
Here is a brief overview of how this month-long observance came to be and explain this year’s theme as decided by the ASALH.
Continue Reading "Celebrating African Americans and the Arts" →
Open until 9:00pm today.