eForward Newsletter
Happening at DPPL in November
Happy New Year! Check out more than 50 things to do at DPPL this month. Programs, crafts, classes and more for Adults, Kids and Teens.
eForward Newsletter
Happy New Year! Check out more than 50 things to do at DPPL this month. Programs, crafts, classes and more for Adults, Kids and Teens.
Kids & Parents
Thanks to everyone who participated, we loved ALL your stories.
Keep reading to enjoy the winning entries.
Suppress from homepage
It is also a powerful reminder of their enduring presence and significant influence in today’s American society.
From agriculture to medicine as well our modern vocabulary, Native Americans have played a vital part in developing so much that we take for granted today.
Baby Bottles, infant formula, pain relievers, and even rubber are thanks to the innovation of Native Americans.
Continue Reading "Celebrating Native American History with Your Family" →
DPPL Storytime
Boo, Kiddos! It's time for a very spooky edition of DPPL Storytime!
Don't forget, you can follow us on Facebook or Instagram to see more virtual programming like this.
Hey, Kiddos! It's time for a new edition of DIY with DPPL!
This time, you'll learn how to make your very own paper/foam sheet Jack-o-Lantern.
Then use the materials to do the project we show you step-by-step in the video. (Grade 1 and up.)
Open until 9:00pm today.