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Buy the Doritos, but Download the Magazines

I think we've all been tantilized by the headlines of a magazine, the glossy photograph of a celebrity, the delicious winter stew. But "buying" a magazine comes with a little angst - "too expensive", "too much paper", "I can google that". Enter digital magazines, Zinio for Libraries by RBDigital and Flipster magazines.

Binging is perfectly acceptable, and easy. 


Time Magazine available on Flipster

I read magazines from both Zinio for Libraries and Flipster, and I use both my computer and my tablet. I even use my phone sometimes. The two services work a little differently but both use apps for offline capability and both allow streaming from a browser.

We've had Zinio for Libraries for several years and it keeps getting better with new software improvements to the app. We subscribe to a broad range of titles on Zinio and have about 70 titles. This is where I do most of my binging - news, travel, fashion, finance, food, health.  I checkout a good handful of titles at once and then read them through the app at a later time.

Flipster is a newer service for us and it was added to provide some popular titles like Time, Sports Illustrated, Science News and People. There are 13 different titles - a small but mighty collection.

Please know that is your go-to link to get started with your Des Plaines Library card and the place to find help and tutorials. You can certainly bookmark links to go directly to your favorite service, Zinio for Libraries and Flipster. Titles are always available and you do not have to return. You never pay for anything.

So much for New Year's resolutions - INDULGE.

stranger things

Stranger Things

This show follows the search of a boy who goes missing and how that affects his family, friends, and the small town where he lives. While the search is taking place, a strange girl appears with no name or past history that she can recall, but ever since she has appeared, strange things keep happening.
It is reminiscient of 1980s sci-fi/horror classics paying homage to "E.T.," "Poltergeist" and the novels of Stephen King.

This show is fantastic and worth all the hype it has gained!

sing street

Sing Street

This is a movie about a boy who starts a band to impress a girl. The girl is a model and he knows that the only way he can talk to her is to get her to star in a music video for his band. There's one small problem, however... he doesn't have a band. 

I know the premise is pretty cliche, but it is a very cute movie. The setting of the film takes place in Ireland during the 80s. Right around the time that bands like Duran Duran were creating music videos for their songs. The music is catchy and the music videos are hysterical! Definitely worth checking out!

bob's burgers

Bob's Burgers

The series centers on the Belchers—parents Bob and Linda, and their children Tina, Gene, and Louise—who run a hamburger restaurant. The family is a little eccentric and they always seem to get into some interesting shenanigans.

One of my favorite things about the series is how much Bob as well as the writers of the show enjoy puns. Every episode has a new clever burger of the day such as the "Silentil Night Burger" or newly opened business next door such as "Annie Get Your Gum"

black mirror

Black Mirror

Black Mirror is a British television series that features episodes having to do with dark and satirical themes focusing on modern society, particularly with regard to the unanticipated consequences of new technologies.

It's almost like a modern day Twilight Zone. This show is riveting and enthralling, but I do not recommend watching more than three episodes at a time. It can mess with your mind.

Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair on Flipster

In-depth feature articles of the rich and famous. The definition of Vanity Fair is a scene or place characterized by frivolity and ostentation according to Merriam-Webster. This magazine is aptly named and a great escape.

The Week

The Week on Flipster

A digest of weekly news and editorials from various notable US and international publications.

Chicago Magazine

The Chicago Magazine on Zinio for Libraries

Not much competition in print. This is the go to magazine for all things Chicago.

Popular Mechanics

Popular Mechanics on Zinio for Libraries

Born in 1902, this magazine has really kept up with the times. It has something for everyone - the techie, the maker, even the fashion conscious. I learned about Kit and Ace clothing here.

The Economist

The Economist on Zinio for Libraries

Erudite and thorough. This magazine approaches world events from a British and European point of view.

Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair on Flipster

In-depth feature articles of the rich and famous. The definition of Vanity Fair is a scene or place characterized by frivolity and ostentation according to Merriam-Webster. This magazine is aptly named and a great escape.

The Week

The Week on Flipster

A digest of weekly news and editorials from various notable US and international publications.

Chicago Magazine

The Chicago Magazine on Zinio for Libraries

Not much competition in print. This is the go to magazine for all things Chicago.

Popular Mechanics

Popular Mechanics on Zinio for Libraries

Born in 1902, this magazine has really kept up with the times. It has something for everyone - the techie, the maker, even the fashion conscious. I learned about Kit and Ace clothing here.

The Economist

The Economist on Zinio for Libraries

Erudite and thorough. This magazine approaches world events from a British and European point of view.


New Year, New You

The New You Just Ahead sign

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending” - Carl Bard

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending" - Carl Bard

While I could go on and be sentimental about what happened (and not) in 2016, isn’t it time for a fresh start, a new beginning and a New You?

Continue Reading "New Year, New You"


Bells and Whistles

From the Oxford English Dictionary, available to Des Plaines Library cardholders

Travel, family, and friends often fill this time of year with a surplus of merriment and socializing. When you eventually find those moments of refuge, don’t forget about the joy of curling up with a quality book, favorite movie, or dramatic audiobook.

As your destination for rich media experiences, the library is constantly improving to meet your needs.

These four new  library tools will help get you out of the hustle-bustle and return to your cozy home with ease.

Continue Reading "Bells and Whistles"