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What’s Brewing? Coffee Love!

Coffee. Lattes. Espresso. Hot Chocolate. Macchiato. I don’t discriminate, I LOVE it all. This love is a powerful kind of love, a passionate, and “I can’t live without you” love, an addicting kind of love. Not only do I enjoy all types of coffee, I’m also a real sucker for the beautiful latte arts on my drinks as well. 

When it comes to my daily cup of coffee (and when I mean cup, I mean like five cups) it's the fuel for the day.

The rich, creamy, sweetness of my daily drinks is what helps me survive a busy day at the Youth Services department here at Des Plaines library.

Kids are so much fun to work with but can get very exhausting to chase while a  one- year-old is trying to climb a mountain of stairs to get to the third floor of the library. I observe parents on a daily basis that try to keep up with their children.

I can definitely advise that if you are a parent or a babysitter of a small child, you will most certainly need the coffee to survive the day. Coffee can seriously save your tired soul from these tiny human beings.

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We Have Local Authors (and you could be one too)

November is National Novel Writer’s Month (NaNoWriMo) and DPPL recognizes those who write.

Keep calm and write 50k
We host write-ins every Tuesday night during this month for aspiring writers.

Folks who participate in NaNoWriMo aim to write a novel during the month of November.

The goal is to write at least 50,000 words (that is about 1666.67 words a day).  

Thousands of people sign up and take part across the world. The idea is that if you write fast and focused it doesn’t give the inner critic time to sabotage your efforts. You can go back and clean it up in December or January if necessary, but November is all about getting the words and ideas down.

The NaNoWriMo website has many useful tools including a community where you can get feedback, help with a plot, do research or just see what others are doing.

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Pint & Click Podcasts 18 & 19: “Meta” Works and Horror Films

Episode 19: Horror

Tony with special guests Charlie, Fernando and Steven celebrate Halloween by discussing horror films, including Hausu (1977), The Boy (2016) and The VVitch (2015), as well as some of the more general tropes of the genre.

Episode 18: "Meta"

Dave, Tony, and Jami discuss meta media (that is, self-referential works of art) such as Jorge Luis Borges' short story The Garden Of Forking Paths, Kurt Vonnegut's novel Breakfast Of Champions, the documentary film American Movie, and the novel House Of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski.

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