Posted in Spotlight


I’ve spent $8,880 on magazines! My magazine addiction

Note: this post originally ran in May 2015.  We are rerunning it to highlight a special program sure to please all you magazine lovers:

Learn to use Zinio
Thursday October 29, 11:30 am in the computer lab

Do you love magazines? Learn about the free digital library service Zinio for Des Plaines card holders. Our collection includes over 70 popular titles such as xhicago magazine, The Economist and Good Housekeeping. Bring your phone, tablet or laptop.

I've done the math and it's not pretty.  I am Heather, and I am a magazine addict. 

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DIY Your Life with Videos at

If you heard the news last spring that LinkedIn had just purchased the video training site for $1.5 billion, you probably thought, "Wow! Those must be some excellent videos!" Well, now you can see for yourself. The Des Plaines Public Library has a new subscription to and you can use it for free with your library card.

You can learn to do almost anything on Here are some subjects you may want to try:

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Because There’s NOTHING Trivial about Trivia

I have a vivid memory of accompanying my mom to the library sometime in the mid '70s. She was on a mission to definitively resolve (OK win) an argument that had been simmering between my dad and her for days. 

Blue Suede Shoes
What year did the song Blue Suede Shoes first hit the charts? 

My dad insisted 1954, my mom 1956. The debate was heated.

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Free Books, Free Minds

The idea of freedom can be taken for granted pretty easily nowadays. We face so many choices on a daily basis that we might forget what it means even to have a choice. How often do we consider it when we enter the library looking for a book to read?

What if we were not allowed access to something on the mere basis that someone else disagreed with its contents and thought it should be removed?

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