Posted in Spotlight


Do You Want to Write a Novel?

November is National Novel Writers Month, NaNoWriMo for short, and every year thousands of writers participate in a program to write a novel in November. Not only can it be done, it can be life-altering.

I'd always hoped to write a novel, but after many starts it always landed on the back burner. The beauty of NaNoWriMo is that it provides a way to beat both the mental and circumstantial blocks that get in the way of writing. It starts with a commitment to write 50,000 words in November which adds up to about 190 pages. To get there I must write 1666.6 words a day. They don’t have to be good words. It doesn’t have to compare to Hemingway. I just have to write. I can go back next month and fix whatever I don’t like. 

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What’s All the Hoopla About hoopla?

With the holidays around the corner, many of us will be spending time traveling to see friends and family, or perhaps just spending long weekends at home. If your holiday get-togethers are anything like those of my family, there’s plenty of eating and visiting and chatting and music and laughter. And if you’re anything like me, after all that visiting and chatting and laughter, it feels really good to plunk down in a quiet corner after the crowd has cleared out and recharge with a book or movie!

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Our New Catalog: FAQs

Our new catalog interface has been in place for a few weeks. Now that things are smoothing out, we thought it time for a quick FAQ answering some of the most common questions we've received since the launch.    If you are unfamiliar with the lingo, the "catalog" is the portion of the library website where you can seach for books, music and other library materials, place holds on those items, review your account and renew materials you have checked out.  

The new DPPL catalog, Enterprise

The new DPPL catalog

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