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Pint & Click Podcast 44 Now Available!

On this episode of the Pint & Click Podcast, Dave, Alonso, Tony and Joel discuss Avengers: Infinity War, the latest installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, directed by Anthony and Joe Russo. Have a listen below:

To hear earlier episodes of the Pint & Click Podcast, subscribe with iTunes or visit our Podomatic page to listen and share. And if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please take a moment to rate and review it on iTunes - it's the best way for us to reach new listeners!


Escaping the Norm at C2E2!

Is it just me, or can being an adult sometimes be a total drag? 

I remember the days where I could sleep in, play make-believe with my friends, and believe with my whole little magical heart that my Hogwarts letter was coming aaaaany day now.

Today, I find myself protesting against the rising of the sun for just “FIVE MORE MINUTES!”, having a strong belief that I can’t make it through my morning without coffee, and struggling to keep my apartment clean (seriously, Hogwarts letter, where are you? I need to learn that cleaning spell that Dumbledore uses in The Half-Blood Prince!)

The point I’m trying to make here is, adulthood can be the total doldrums in comparison to when we were kids.

Well fret not, friends, because all hope is not lost!

I’m here to tell you all about how you and your family can find that spark of wonderment and joy at C2E2, and how the Des Plaines Public Library can help make your experience awesome!

Continue Reading "Escaping the Norm at C2E2!"


Pint & Click Podcast 43 Now Available!

On this episode of the Pint & Click Podcast, Dave, Stephanie, Jami, and Tony talk about Steven Spielberg's film adaptation of the novel Ready Player One. Have a listen below:

If you can't get enough discussion of Ready Player One, have a listen to this episode from two years ago where Dave, Tony and Jami discussed Ernest Cline's original novel. To hear more previous episodes of the Pint & Click Podcast, subscribe with iTunes or visit our Podomatic page to listen and share. And if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please take a moment to rate and review it on iTunes - it's the best way for us to reach new listeners!


Pint & Click Podcast 42 Now Available!

On this episode of the Pint & Click Podcast, Dave, Joel and Jami talk about The Broken Girls, a new novel by Simone St. James. Have a listen below:

To hear previous episodes of the Pint & Click Podcast, subscribe with iTunes or visit our Podomatic page to listen and share. And if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please take a moment to rate and review it on iTunes - it's the best way for us to reach new listeners!


Pint & Click Podcast 41 Now Available!

On this episode of the Pint & Click Podcast, Dave, Tony, Joel and Jami talk about A Wrinkle In Time, a new film directed by Ava DuVernay based on the classic 1962 novel by Madeleine L'Engle. Have a listen below:

To hear previous episodes of the Pint & Click Podcast, subscribe with iTunes or visit our Podomatic page to listen and share. And if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please take a moment to rate and review it on iTunes - it's the best way for us to reach new listeners!