Posted in Staff Picks

Staff Picks

We Never Stop Needing Windows and Mirrors

rainbow world
In the library world, we say the content of books and other media provides windows and mirrors which reflect all of us, after Rudine Sims Bishop’s original 1990 article.

We do this a lot in the context of why we need diversity* in children’s and young adult books. 

We say, all children need to be able to see themselves in what they read/watch/hear (the metaphorical “mirror”, validating that they are seen, they count and matter, and are not “side characters” on earth). 

We say, children also need to read widely to explore, learn empathy, and have windows to other cultures that they are not familiar with.

This paradigm has since been broadened with the nuanced addition of prisms and more.

Clearly it’s not just children who need and benefit from diverse books.  We never stop needing mirrors and windows. 

And we cannot prescribe diversity for children if we adults aren’t open to stomaching material outside of our own comfort zones.

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Staff Picks

Pride and Progress

Note: This story originally ran in 2021 and is one of many written by DPPL staff recommending excellent LGBTQIAP+ reading recommendations.  Find more HERE, HERE, and HERE.

Here at Des Plaines Public Library, we are happy to celebrate June as Pride Month!

Pride Month commemorates the anniversary of the Stonewall riots. 

In the early morning of June 28, 1969, Manhattan police tried to raid the Stonewall Inn and many of the patrons of the gay bar, including Trans activists Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, decided that enough was enough. Violence broke out between police and the growing crowd, leading to what we now view today to be one of the most important moments in the gay liberation movement.

Pride Month is a time for people who identify as LGBTQIAP+ to celebrate and proudly express their sexual and gender identities via parades, parties, picnics, art, and more, in ways as varied and unique as all the members of the community.

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