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Staff Picks

Will Journaling Save Cursive Writing?

Has the art of handwriting gone the way of the Dodo Bird?

The Dodo Bird may be extinct but manual handwriting may not be. I've noticed many tech savvy 'non-Boomer' library staff keep journals. Handwritten journals.

Many schools have opted out when it comes to teaching cursive writing. Last month, Illinois lawmakers passed a bill requiring elementary schools to teach cursive writing starting in the 2018-2019 school year.

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Staff Picks

Fight the Power: Books to Inspire and Instruct Youth Activists

In an adult-dominated society, teens are often excluded from participation in politics. To add insult to injury, they are regularly stereotyped as being self-absorbed and apolitical. However, young people are also concerned citizens who can advocate for significant social change within their communities.

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