Staff Picks
How do you get your stories?
Are you a podcast lover? Yes? So are we! Learn more about our upcoming event featuring the Chicago based, literary themed “The Lit Review” podcast and other favorite podcasts.
Staff Picks
Are you a podcast lover? Yes? So are we! Learn more about our upcoming event featuring the Chicago based, literary themed “The Lit Review” podcast and other favorite podcasts.
Staff Picks
I have loved horror stories since I was a little monster.
I cut my baby fangs on R.L. Stine's Goosebumps books before ripping through the stories of Shirley Jackson and H.P. Lovecraft. I murdered most of Dean R. Koontz's novels before devouring all the works of Stephen King.
Staff Picks
Staff Picks
So wrote Lord Byron nearly two centuries ago in the poem Don Juan, reportedly the first recorded use of that saying.
Staff Picks
Perhaps the toughest part about graduation is landing a job that allows one to execute one's field of study. According to studies perfomed by Forbes Magazine, 75% of hiring managers surveyed believe millennials show up to an interview under dressed.
We open at 9:00am today.