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Staff Picks

Entertaining Your Thanksgiving and Holiday Guests

Dogist book cover
Conversation has lagged. The turkey needs another hour. Your brother-in-law is late. How do you entertain your guests during the little ‘quiet’ nothing-to-do but wait times.

Play charades? Keep busy? I think we should respect the quiet times. In fact, a little down time might re-energize the crowd for charades later. I think I found at least one solution.

Last Thanksgiving I checked out books and magazines from the library.

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Staff Picks

Everyday I Write The Book: Memoirs by Rock Stars

As a fellow musician and voracious reader, rock star memoirs are a pretty intriguing proposition to me. But for many years, with few exceptions, the books that fit this description tended to be either hastily (ghost)written and white-washed or trashy tabloid fodder. Since the 2004 publication of (future Pulitzer Prize winner) Bob Dylan's Chronicles: Volume One, however, more music legends have signed lucrative book deals and delivered forthright, funny and well-written autobiographies that offer incredible perspective on their music and the personal circumstances that influenced it. Best of all, many of these musicians have also agreed to read an unabridged audiobook themselves, so listeners can be sit back and be regaled by stories from the same voices that sang so many timeless songs. Here are some of my favorites:

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Staff Picks

Time for a Switch at Nintendo?

The time has finally come. After months of waiting and waiting, Nintendo finally pulled the NX out from behind its massive curtain of secrecy, and revealed the Nintendo Switch.

The upcoming console slated for release currently in March 2017 has had one of the most bizarre marketing strategies I've ever seen, and so far it appears to be paying off. By not talking about it at all for months, rumors theories have been flying around in their place, and resulted in the most talked about game system announcement I have seen in a long time.

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Staff Picks

I’ve got a hot date. With a foreign TV series.  Want to come along?

What are you doing this Friday night?  Once upon a time (before my dear husband and kids and well, middle age), Friday nights were for hot nights on the town.

These days I've got other things on my agenda.

Namely a hot date with my couch, a little red wine and a foreign TV series.

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