Staff Picks
Will Journaling Save Cursive Writing?

Has the art of handwriting gone the way of the Dodo Bird?
The Dodo Bird may be extinct but manual handwriting may not be. I've noticed many tech savvy 'non-Boomer' library staff keep journals. Handwritten journals.
Many schools have opted out when it comes to teaching cursive writing. Last month, Illinois lawmakers passed a bill requiring elementary schools to teach cursive writing starting in the 2018-2019 school year.
Journaling to keep yourself organized.
Some library staff use the Bullet Journal system. describes this type of journaling as a flexible system for organizing your life. The journal can be your to-do list, sketchbook, notebook or diary. Or, all of these things. The system allows you to create a personalized journal.
HINT: One reason staff may like the Bullet Journal is because it does involve creating an index. Very library. But don't get me wrong. This system is very popular. Just google it.
Here are a couple very different bullet journals.
Journaling as a self-help tool.
Many professionals recommend journaling as a method for self-exploration, spiritual growth and the development of creativity. Some potential benefits of journaling are stress and/or anxiety reduction, increasing self-esteem and fostering self-awareness. Below is a list of books that can inspire you to start journaling.