Happening at the library
An Update From the Director
Dear Des Plaines Friends and Neighbors:
We miss all of you!
During this period when the coronavirus keeps us physically apart, we hope you are enjoying all of the new virtual programs and services launched online in the past several weeks.
Staff has been busy creating and delivering your favorite in-person library programs and services, as well as brand new virtual offerings, on our website and social media.
We are also ordering plenty of new eBooks, new eAudiobooks and more online resources.
The building might be closed but the library is definitely open!
Staff is working hard right now deciding WHAT we can offer to the public and HOW we can deliver it.
And of course when.
WHEN can we reopen the building and begin restoring in-person services in a way that’s both safe for you and safe for staff.
One of the ideas we are considering:
The “carry-out library”.
Essentially, you could put items on hold, and we would bring them to you curbside in your cars.
Plans are afoot so stay tuned.
We also know you have questions about the condition of our circulating materials.
DPPL staff are carefully evaluating what we need to do to ensure that the books, dvds, cds and other library items returned can be recirculated in a responsible and safe manner.
Experts have told us that the virus cannot live on books for more than 24 hours at the most.
You can read more about the IMLS study here.
This partnership will publish its findings in the next few weeks.
And it will provide us with the concrete knowledge and scientific guidelines needed to move forward with confidence.
When we receive that study, we will let you know and then follow its directives with all due diligence.
We hope all of you and your loved ones are safe.
We can’t wait to see you again at Des Plaines Public Library.
Des Plaines Public Library Director
Jo Bonell